domingo, 2 de janeiro de 2022


Liliana Ribeiro was born in Espinho (Portugal) with cerebral palsy, on 11th December 1977.

She launched her autobiographical book O Meu Arco-Iris (“My Rainbow”) on 11th December 2010 in which she tells the story of her life experience.

She has always been encouraged by her family to never give up dreaming and fighting for her dreams.

By attending regular schools, she confronted painful challenges and misadventures that helped her to understand the meaning of LIFE. Today, she’s reaping the rewards of this fight she never gave up.

She’s working at the Municipality of Espinho as Administrative Assistant, in the Financial and Tourism Management Division – performing functions as Technical Assistant (Multimedia).

Her poet’s soul revealed itself in her early age.She attended the “Antologia dos Poetas de Espinho” (Anthology of Espinhos’ Poets) in 2013, the “Antologia da Poesia Contemporânea Entre o Sono e o Sonho” (Anthology of Contemporary Poetry between sleep and dream”, by Chiado publisher, the “Antologia Poetas d’Hoje II” (Anthology Poets of Today II), and the “Antologia Poetas da Costa Verde” (Anthology The Green Coast Poets” in 2015.

She launched her poetry book Pingos (“Drops”) on 12th December 2015.


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